● 店員心推薦
Autechre / Oversteps
Crystal Castles / Crystal Castles
Caribou / Swim
CocoRosie / Grey Oceans
Four Tet / There Is Love In You
Morcheeba / Blood Like Lemonade
Grant, John / Queen of Denmark
Richter, Max / Infra
Two Door Cinema Club / Tourist History
Various Artists / Kitsune x Ponystep: Mixed by Jerry Bouthier (Ltd. Ed.)
● 電音 /獨立 /搖滾 /金屬 /黑人
1000 Names / Illuminated Man
2020 Soundsystem / Falling
4hero / 4hero Presents Extensions
4hero/ DJ Marky / The Kings of Drum 'n' Bass (2CD)
65daysofstatic / We Were Exploding Anyway (Digipak)
Alkaline Trio / This Addiction
Allo Darlin' / Allo Darlin'
Alter Ego / What's Next?
Amazing Baby / Rewild
Amiina / Kurr
Anathema / We're Here Because We're Here
Anderson, Brett / Wilderness
Animal Collective / Feels
Aphex Twin / Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Aphex Twin / Classics
Aphex Twin / Windowlicker
Aphex Twin / 26 Mixes for Cash (2CD)
Ash / A-Z Vol.1
At The Gates / With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness (+DVD)
Autopsy / Severed Survival (2CD)
Babicz, Robert / Immortal Changes
Bang Gang / Ghosts from the Past
Barren Earth / Curse of The Red River
Battalion / Underdogs
Battles / Mirrored
Beach House / Teen Dream
Benga / Diary of an Afro Warrior
Bibio / Ambivalence Avenue
Blut Aus Nord / Memoria Vetusta 2: Dialogue with the Stars
Boards of Canada / GEOGADDI
Boards of Canada / The Campfire Headphase
Bomb The Bass / Back To Light (2CD)
Booka Shade / More
Born Ruffians / Say It
Broadcast & the Focus Group / Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age
Burial / Untrue
Campbell, Isobel/ Lanegan, Mark / Hawk
Cancer Bats / Bears, Mayors, Scraps & Bones (+DVD)
Caribou / Up in Flames (2CD)
Ceephax Acid Crew / United Acid Emirates
Cliffordandcalix / Lost Foundling 1999-2004
Craig, Carl / DJ Kicks: Carl Craig
Crown City Rockers / The Day After Forever
Dananananaykroyd / Hey Everyone
Dandy Jack and the Junction SM / Los Siete Castigos
Dark Time Sunshine / Vessel
Darkthrone / Frostland Tapes (3CD)
Darkthrone / Dark Thrones & Black Flags
Darkthrone / Circle The Wagons
Darkthrone / Circle The Wagons (Ltd. Ed.)
Delays / Star Tiger Star Ariel
Department of Eagles / Archive 2003-2006
Despised Icon / Day of Mourning
Divinity / The Singularity
DJ Hell / Grossenwahn (2CD)
DJ Koze / Reincarnations: The Remix Chapter 2001-2009
DJ Premier / Originals
Edgar, Jimmy / XXX
EF / Mourning Golden Morning
Erickson, Roky/ Okkervil River / True Love Cast Out All Evil
Eyehategod / Confederacy of Ruined Lives
Field Music / Field Music (2CD)
Fink / Sort of Revolution
Fleet Foxes / Fleet Foxes (2CD)
Flying Lotus / Los Angeles
Flying Lotus / Cosmogramma
Four Year Strong / Explains It All
Frightened Rabbit / The Winter of Mixed Drinks
Gallhammer / The Dawn of Gallhammer (+DVD)
Gallhammer / Gloomy Lights (bonus tracks)
Gallhammer / Ill Innocence
General Fiasco / Buildings (2CD)
Gonjasufi / A Sufi And A Killer
Grandaddy / Under The Western Freeway
Grizzly Bear / Yellow House
Grovesnor / Soft Return
Harcourt, Ed / Lustre
Haswell & Hecker / UPIC Warp Tracks
Herbert, Matthew / One One
Ikonika / Contact, Love, Want, Have
Ishii, Ken / Jelly Tones
Kabuki / Warrior Soul
Kele / The Boxer
Konders, Bobby / A Lost Era In NYC
Koop / Coup De Grace (1997-2007)
Koop / Koop Island
Lidell, Jamie / Multiply
Lidell, Jamie / Compass
Light Pollution / Apparitions
Local Natives / Gorilla Manor
LoneLady / Nerve Up
M.A.N.D.Y. / Get Physical: 7th Anniversary Label Compilation
Macc & DgoHn / Some Shit Saaink
Melchior Productions / No Disco Future
Midas Fall / Eleven. Return And Revert
Midlake / The Trials of Van Occupanther
Mills, Jeff / Blue Potential: Live with Montpellier Philharmonic Orchestra (+DVD)
Miss Kittin & the Hacker / Two
Mogwai / Young Team (2CD/Deluxe Ed.)
Mogwai / Mr. Beast (EU Ver.)
Mos Def / The Ecstatic
Murder By Death / Good Morning, Magpie
My Dying Bride / The Angel And The Dark River & For Darkest Eyes (+DVD)
Nastasia, Nina / Outlaster
Neon Plastix / Awesome Moves
New Young Pony Club / The Optimist
Nice Nice / Extra Wow
Novembre / Novembrine Waltz
Novembre / The Blue
OY / First Box Then Walk
Oye, Erlend / DJ Kicks: Erlend Oye
Pablo / Turntable Technology
Papercutz / Do Outro Lado Do Espelho: Lylac Ambient Reworks
Pearly Gate Music / Pearly Gate Music
Pernice Brothers / Goodbye, Killer
Peter, Bjorn & John / Writer's Block (2CD/Ltd. Ed.)
Phoenix / Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (2CD)
Pollock, Emma / The Law of Large Numbers
Psychonauts / Songs For Creatures
Punx Sound Check / From The Roots
Reed, Lou / American Poet: Live In Concert New York 1972
Rhodes, Lou / One Good Thing
Rinoa / An Age Among Them
Rjd2 / The Colossus
Rjd2 / Inversions of The Colossus
Rolo Tomassi / Cosmology
Schnauss, Ulrich / Missing Deadlines: Selected Remixes
Sigur Ros / Agaetis Byrjun (Ver. Pias)
Solex/ Martinez, Cristina/ Spencer, Jon / Amsterdam Throwdown King Street Showdown
Soulwax / Part of the Weekend Never Dies (+DVD)
Starkey / Ear Drums And Black Holes
Subtle / Exiting Arm
Teenage Fanclub / Shadows
Tenor, Jimi/ Allen, Tony / Inspiration Information 4
The Acorn / No Ghost
The Black Dog / Further Vexations
The Black Dog / Music For Real Airports
The Black Keys / Brothers
The Chap / Well Done Europe
The Consulate General / Person Number
The Coral / Butterfly House
The Divine Comedy / Bang Goes the Knighthood
The Frames / Fitzcarraldo
The Frames / Dance The Devil
The Frames / Another Love Song
The Go! Team / Thunder, Lightning, Strike
The Internal Tulips / Mislead Into A Field by A Deformed Deer
The Irrepressibles / Mirror Mirror
The Juan MacLean / The Future will Come
The Kissaway Trail / Sleep Mountain
The Knife / Silent Shout
The Knife/ Mt. Sims/ Planningtorock / Tomorrow, In A Year (2CD)
The Kode9+Spaceape / Memories of the Future
The Love Supreme / New Millennium Freaks
The Magic Numbers / The Runaway
The Manhattan Love Suicides / Dandelion Radio Session
The Qemists / Join the Q
The Ruby Suns / Fight Softly
The Soft Pack / The Soft Pack
The Temper Trap / Conditions
The Time And Space Machine / Set Phazer To Stun
Tired Pony / The Place We Ran From
Turner, Frank / Take To The Road: Live 2009 (+DVD)
TV Victor / Timeless Deceleration (2CD)
Underworld / Oblivion with Bells
Underworld vs. The Misterons / Athens
UNKLE / Where Did The Night Fall
Unleashed / As Yggdrasil Trembles
Various Artists / Mums & Dads Reggae Favourites (3CD)
Various Artists / 2Y Cecille: 2 Years Cecille Records (2CD)
Various Artists / International Deejay Gigolos CD Twelve (3CD)
Various Artists / 5 Years of Hyperdub (2CD)
Various Artists / DJ Kicks: Juan MacLean
Various Artists / Metalheadz Presents the Platinum Series
Various Artists / Soul Jazz Presents Dancehall: The Rise o
Various Artists / Horse Meat Disco (2CD)
Various Artists / We Are Reasonable People
Various Artists / Warp20: Chosen (2CD)
Various Artists / Warp20 (Unheard)
Various Artists / Diamanten und Raketen 2
Various Artists / I Hate Music: A Compilation of Output Music 1996-2006 (2CD)
Various Artists / Superloooongevity (2CD)
Various Artists / Globus Mix Vol.5: Letsallmakemistakes by
Various Artists / Tresor Compilation Vol.13: It's Not Over
Various Artists / DJ Kicks: Kode 9
Various Artists / Size Matters: Mixed By An21 & Afrojack (2CD)
Venetian Snares / Songs about My Cats
Venetian Snares / Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletett
Venetian Snares / Hospitality
Vex'd / Cloud Seed
Villalobos, Ricardo / Au Harem D Archimed
Villalobos, Ricardo / Vasco
Vitalic / OK Cowboy
Warbringer / Waking Into Nightmares
We Are The Ocean / Cutting Our Teeth
Willie Isz / Georgiavania
Wink, Josh / When A Banana Was Just A Banana
Yokota, Susumu / Skintone Collection: The Best of Susumu
Yuill, James / Movement In A Storm
Zeus / Say Us
Zygadlo, Rudi / Great Western Laymen